Smartbench 2011 is a multi-core friendly benchmark application that measures the overall performance of your smartphone. It reports both Productivity and Games Index to suit both productivity users and 3D gaming users.
NEW UPDATE (Jan 28, 2012): The server now holds more than 2 million test results and tens of thousands of unique entries in the chart. Smartbench 2011 v1.0 was released about a year ago.
NEW UPDATE (Mar 6, 2011): There was a server-side bug that caused scores to not display correctly. This has been fixed. Android app does not need to be updated - v1.1 will work as is.
Here are some of the new features introduced for 2011:
1. Smartbench 2011 is now multi-core ready. Dual-core phones are becoming popular and is clearly the future of Android platform. Unfortunately, most of the current Android applications cannot utilize more than one core at a time even when they are available. Smartbench 2011 will detect and use them when Android OS is configured properly.
2. Some of the test suits have been revamped from Smartbench 2010. File IO tests have proven to be somewhat inconsistent on some manufacturers' phones. Instead, another test has been introduced that will further stress the CPU.
3. Test scores are now automatically submitted! Smartbench 2011 will automatically collect test results and store them in the server DB so that you can view them at a later time.
4. Result chart now fetches data directly from the server! You can now filter and sort results based on your own needs. You will soon have tens of thousands of results to compare against your own!
5. If you are already a donated user of Smartbench 2010, Smartbench 2011 will continue to respect them by removing ads and offering some premium features.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT compare results of Smartbench 2010 against Smartbench 2011 - they are not equvalent! A new baseline has been created, so the scores may appear lower than before.
Note: You will need a working internet connectivity to submit and view other results.
Donated users will benefit with the following:
- No ads
- Results for individual test applications.
- Results history.
- View result chart without needing to run test first.
- (and more later on)
Known Issues:
- Some tests may not render correctly on some Honeycomb based tablets. This issue is being looked into.
Smartbench 2011 results are hosted at
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